Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What a Woman Cannot Accept in a Man

Surveyed my female colleagues yesterday during coffee break on what kind of man they can accept. The object of study is a group of men who share the same attributes, physical, mental and behavioural aspect-wise, except for the one outstanding, extreme feature they each have that the others don't.

We have the following:
(1) Obese guy
(2) Playboy
(3) Fugly guy
(4) Stupid guy
(5) Churchmouse (poor)
(6) Oompa Loompa (short)

5 women took part in this survey. We have (1) attractive, young mother (2) married aunty (3) sarcastic cow (4) chick with boyfriend (5) chick without boyfriend

And these is the summary of results:
(1) Obese guy
Apparently it is ok for a guy to be fat. Because he can lose weight (women are delusional enough to believe he can. This is why men don't like fat chicks, cos they know she can't).

(2) Playboy
Nobody, except for chick with boyfriend, likes playboys. Interesting.

(3) Fugly guy
Everybody (again except for chick with boyfriend) likes fugly guys. We can conclude chick with boyfriend likes handsome cheating bastards.

(4) Stupid guy
Bad. Nobody likes stupid guys. Clever guys who behave stupidly do not apply (because 90% of men are *ahem*).

(5) Churchmouse (poor)
Most accepted. Very unsual result. Thanks to the evolution of women's role in society, methinks.
Btw poor is alright, but we cannot stand a kept man.

(6) Oompa Loompa (short)
Only chick with no boyfriend can accept short guy. But then she is short. So it does not count. We can't stand short men!!!

You can also conclude who is the sarcastic cow.

We also cannot stand emotional highstrung wayang actors, sissy heterosexual guys, judgemental holier-than-thou arrogant bastards, lazy bums and stingy tight pussies. Those are the extremes that we didn't bother to survey on.

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